Aswan markets

Waking up on the train to sunrise over the misty Nile made an otherwise uncomfortable journey worth it.
Our hotel in Aswan is on an island in the Nile only accessible by boat. We spent most of the day sitting by the pool and chatting while the kids played with their fellow travelers. The boys introduced the others to Cammeray Public Year 2 chopsticks and new multinational variants have already been created.
This evening we visited the local markets. Declan wanted to use some of his money from Granny to buy a knife like one he had seen in Cairo. We couldn’t find one quite the same. He did express some interest in a similar one and managed to bargain the shopkeeper from 250 pounds down to 5 pounds – and then earned eternal respect by still walking away and not buying something he didn’t really want even at a ridiculous price.
I’m not at all sure what it says about us, but all The Egyptian shopkeepers seem to assume we are French. They have proved far better at guessing the nationality of the others on our tour. Perhaps we’ve managed to adopt some European je ne sais quoi!
Love that image of Declan bargaining