Little bits from a great day
Hot air balloons drift over the morning haze as we drive to the Valley of the Kings.

The Temples in the Valley of the Kings still have colours on the paintings and hieroglyphics – rich reds and blues in particular. But the most beautiful temple was also the simplest. The temple of Tutmoses I is hard to get to, involving climbing up a hillside and then down inside it. The pictures are all stick drawings, but whole rooms of them surmounted by ceilings painted with yellow stars on a dark blue background.
Declan persuading the salesperson in the alabaster shop to give him a free scarab beetle and then excitedly running around having it ‘bite’ the whole group. And then all the other kids getting one too.
Callum in the pool creating a special water martial arts patterns and having Ally, his pupil, graduate to sensei, All the kids laughing hysterically as they jumped from the cold pool to the hot pool again and again.
Whizzing down the corniche by the Nile in a horse and carriage, with Declan driving, on our way to the fabulous Luxor Temple. Visiting Luxor Temple by night with the lights shining over layer and layer of history.
Having lousy internet access for another twelve hours and so writing a very short blog post.