Virtual presents for a Birthday on the road

I think we can safely say that ten years ago when we held our newborn son we had no thought that a decade later we’d be celebrating the young man’s birthday in Peru.

It was a quiet day largely because when asked what he wanted to do for his Birthday Cal’s response was “Stay home and play computer games.” That was pretty easily achieved although somehow our trip out for lunch involved an 8km walk on a lovely clear day – which I don’t think was quite what he meant.

Birthdays on the road are tricky things. There is really not a lot of room to carry much more stuff so picking a present was not easy.
Luckily Cal has become obsessed with Minecraft – a popular building game. So we rented him a server in the States as his present so he could take control of his own world. Nothing to carry and a great success. More living virtual for us.
I bet you also didn’t think you’d be renting him a server in the US so he could take control of his own world :)… Happy Birthday Cal!