Cemetery, skating, and tunnels
Mirogoj Cemetery is actually near the top of the lists of things to do in Zagreb, but we would have visited anyway: My grandfather is buried there.
It was an atmospheric morning to visit a cemetery, a warm front moving through has pushed the temperatures above freezing and there was a nice mist shrouding everything. Finding my grandfather’s grave was easy – his is one part of a shrine to the leaders of the Croatian Peasant’s Party. So we paid our respects.
We went on to visit the Stone Gate – the only surviving mediaeval gate and now a small chapel. Ultimately there’s not a lot to it, beyond a painting of the Madonna and votive candles glowing in the dark.
As part of Zagreb’s Winter festivities one of the parks is turned into an ice-park. It’s not really an ice-rink because in addition to an open area there is a long path you can follow around the edge of the park. The path made the whole experience that much more interesting.
After all that we deserved some more food and drink from the Christmas Market. Zagreb technically has 25 markets and we fond one with food a cut above the others we have visited and had lovely fresh bread rolls filled with cevapi.
The food went on with a Birthday dinner at a traditional Croatian restaurant complete with arched white-washed walls. Then Jennifer and I took a stroll through the old town and through the air-raid tunnels from the civil war that now serve to connect various bits of central Zagreb together.