Fireworks, art, and schnitzels

Waiting for Dec.

We counted down the clock to the New Year by, in the Spanish fashion, eating a grape at each chime of the clock in Madrid. While we did not have a grandstand view of the fireworks over Vienna, we certainly saw a lot – and we had the distinct advantage of doing so from a warm apartment within metres of the sleeping two- and five-year olds.

The first day of the New Year dawned cold and damp, although none of us were awake to see it. Dec, Jennifer and I went to the Kunsthistorisches Museum, while Callum circumnavigated the Vienna Ring, and the others visited the Cathedral. The Museum is stunningly beautiful, especially the curiosity rooms which are an eclectic collection of all things beautiful and interesting.


In the afternoon we intended to go ice-skating but the rink turned out to be closed so the outing mutated into a walk through the centre of Vienna. The nice thing was that the boys carried their young cousins on their shoulders for much of the trip.

Finally, for our last evening, we went to a traditional cafe to have proper wiener schnitzel. We’ve had several touristy versions over the last few days which have been okay, but not right. This one at the Cafe Museum was the real thing and a great bookend for our time in Vienna.

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