Camino del Norte 6 – Art

“They ought to tell people there’s nothin’ in the middle of them thar things”, said in a broad American accent sums up part of our visit to the Guggenheim.

I love, deeply love the Guggenheim building. It’s both intrinsically beautiful and an example of how a city can, through sheer force of will, make itself more liveable.

The Matter of Time

I could look at the building forever. The art I can pretty much take or leave; with the exception of the fabulous The Matter of Time – a swirling work of enormous steel plates in curving shapes that bend your perception as you walk through them.

And the crowds I can definitely leave. It was one of those crowd elements that came up with the idea that The Matter of Time should come with a warning that there was nothing in the middle.

The Guggenheim was our morning. Then Jennifer did a neat bit of research and found me an ensalada de queso de cabra for lunch. I am including a picture of it because Jennifer said I had to. I’m pretty sure it was meant to share, but I didn’t.

After lunch we visited the maritime museum. There was an interesting exhibit about the Basque fishermen and whalers in Newfoundland, but otherwise there wasn’t a lot to see. But that was fine, the weather has turned warm and walking along the riverside was very relaxing. As was another G&T from our hotel’s terrace while contemplating the shiny metal plates of the Guggenheim.

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