Como in the rain

Jennifer and I got the train to Milan airport and hired a car to get to Lake Como; everyone else came by train and ferry. We regrouped in a villa in Cadenabbia which is a little village across the lake from Belagio.

Apperativo on the terrace got us well settled in. Followed by an excellent pizza dinner in a little stone restaurant up the road.

Unfortunately, today dawned rainy and surprisingly chilly – but that didn’t stop us following our plan to walk Como’s Greenway. The path along the lake is pretty, even in the rain, and we avoided the worst of the weather by having lunch well indoors.

We saw a wide variety of palazzos and churches, walked past where Mussolini was shot, explored some winding lanes, and eventually caught the local bus back home. We did not bump into any film stars in spite of keeping a watchful eye out.

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