Tactics need improvement

Declan had to be dissuaded last night, at 8pm after we got to our hotel, from going in search of some snow for a proper snowball fight. Instead we headed out this morning at a more civilized hour of 8am, to find some pristine snow so the boys could have their very first snowball fight. We are staying very close to the Englisch Garten, which is a mammoth park just on the edge of the centre of Munich. I had only seen summer pictures, but it was picture perfect at dawn on a wintry day, with pine trees weighed down by snow, and a blanket of snow anywhere you looked.
We chose the playground for our initial snow fight, since it had handy piles of snow everywhere, and all had a wonderful time throwing snowballs at each other. We’ve all realized that Evan has an unfair advantage of 10 years of snowy childhood which it is going to take us a while to overcome.
After not very long, by tacit agreement, the fight became mostly the three of us against Evan, with occasional pauses as the less snow experienced amongst us realized that snow can be cold and wet if it makes it inside your various garments.
Hooray! Welcome to Germany! Do you have my contact details? I’d love to have a chat on the phone if you have a moment.