Has anyone seen our missing night?

If you find a lost night wandering the streets of some strange country, you might want to point it our way.
Of course it has, we have the numbers. We’ve visited 26 countries and stayed in 91 different places across those countries. We’ve used 58 different sorts of transport from kayaks to cable cars, from camel to car ferry.

We spent the majority of nights (252) in rented apartments or houses, but have a nice range of other places from tents to canalboats and from train to airplanes. In full: Apartment / house 252, Train 5, Bedouin tent 1. Airport 1, Canal boat 4, Ferry 1, Narrow-boat 7, B&B 2, Friends house 1, Hostel 15, Tent 3, Jungle lodge 7, Airplane 2.
The most numerically astute amongst you, dear readers, might find that my list adds up to only 364 nights. Gaining fractions on days as we moved West meant we really managed to lose an entire night along the way from our spreadsheet. Careless I know.
So we’re clear, it is possible to lose a night even as you count them individually going round the world, no matter how silly that sounds. As we moved we had a number of days which we counted as one but which really had more than 24 hours in them thanks to moving timezones. Those incremental additions add up to the missing night. Put another way we had all the hours in the year, just not all the nights. I so hope that makes sense as I’ve now been over 36 hours without sleep and I’m not sure whether my brain is blathering.
Yes…blathering! But that ‘s ok, I do it all the time 🙂
Wow. Welcome back! I’ve followed your blog the whole time and have been ENVIOUS! I am missing 2 winters: one when I moved from the USA to S. Africa (Peace Corps) in November ’89 and one when we moved from USA to Melbourne in September ’08. But if you find them you can keep them! Good on you for not only going on such an amazing odyssey … but for doing it with kids … and for blogging about it the whole time! It allowed me to live vicariously 🙂
I have loved reading your updates over the past six months or so. I’m glad you made it home safely, and can reflect on your traveling year for the rest of your lives.
Thanks for a full year of entertainment, I have read every post and followed every day.