Camino Day 28

We delved into the history of Leon a bit today.
Well, we started the day with breakfast in the hotel. Jennifer had a series of zoom meetings and I spent three hours over breakfast chatting with our Canadian friends.

Then we went and learnt about Leon’s Roman history, which is evidenced by the walls that still exist today.
After Rome, we jumped forward to Saint Isidore. The saint’s church here in Leon is very beautiful and includes a cup that is pretty much the holy grail. Isidore remains our favorite saint – he is the unofficial patron saint of the Internet. He was originally made famous because in the 6th Century he wrote a book summarizing all human knowledge (the Wikipedia of its time). But what makes him especially apt is that many blame him for the dark ages because people gave up going back to the original Greek and Roman sources, if they wanted to know something they just relied on Isadore’s, often flawed, summary.

After a tough morning we had a late lunch – this is, after all, a rest day. So we had a nice long lunch in a plaza.

Thank you for introducing me to Isidore