Camino Day 41
The brain is a strange thing. We walked 24km today and there was something materially different to doing 24 out of 80 than doing 24 out of 780. The numbers seem to be ticking down very quickly now.
We started out a bit later than yesterday, and quickly realized that the previous day’s early start had put us ahead of the crowds all day. Today we spent the morning walking amongst many other people.
The trail was pretty and after some uphill stretches through the trees we came to a hilltop covered in horse and bracken with views out to rolling forests.
We passed through a lot of small farming villages. The distinctive feature in this part of Galicia is that many farms have tall flat structures raised off the ground called horreos. We have been speculating for a couple of days about their function, but just found out they were traditionally used for storing corn.
By mid-afternoon we had managed to get offset with the crowds and it was a lovely quiet walk through the trees until we approached Palas del Reís where we are spending the night in a little pension with a view over the fields and the sound of chickens chucking in the background.
Have a good rest in the little
Pension. Love
How were those chickens in the morning, were they awake before you had planned to be??
Will let you know tomorrow – it’s still evening here in the top end of the world.