Astronomy and mini-golf

After another lovely swim, this time on a new beach, we made the pilgrimage to Batemans Bay, about 30 minutes South of Bawley Point for a bit of local culture. It turns out that Jennifer is a bit if a mini-golf star, soundly trouncing the rest of us. Declan and Callum were clustered next and I came solidly last, although I maintain that if I’d just had some luck on the Wibbly-Wobbly-House hole I’d have been in contention.
Fish and chips and ice-creams by the Bay was a great way to round things out. We then got out of Batemans as quickly as possible because the place was absolutely packed with people.
That said, Bawley is also packed, just less obviously so. Much to all of our annoyance the evidence of Bawley being popular is that the phone service can’t handle the traffic and so we’ve got only intermittent Internet. After six days of no Internet in Tasmania the boys were on a promise of being able to sit and play games which has not been fulfilled. The unexpected benefit of the lack of Internet is that Cal hasn’t been able to do his physics Olympiad study and so has been learning he road rules in preparation for getting his learner-licence. Embarrassingly, he keeps asking questions that the two experienced drivers get wring!
We went for another swim in the afternoon and the water continues to be both warm and extraordinarily clear. Some great waves as well.
And Callum brought his telescope down to Bawley Point and there have been a couple of nights just clear enough to see lots of stars and get up close and personal with the Moon.