Iceland goeth
I: So Evan, welcome to the show. E: Thanks it’s great to be here, wherever
I: So Evan, welcome to the show. E: Thanks it’s great to be here, wherever
We went whale watching this morning. We saw several minke whales and some porpoises. Declan,
Strolling around Reykjavik today it struck us what an unusual town this is. in many
A bit of a day of rest and schoolwork today. The boys completed their podcast
We’re such geeks. I mean really, we visited two things today and one of them
Where do you start with a day like today? The weather perhaps, simply because it
I fell into a fall at the foot of the fell. Sorry just had to
It’s not that there are no trees in Iceland. It’s just that you get the
The Vatnajokull glacier is receding by about 150m every year at the moment. At Jokulsarlon the receding tongue